
Fibromyalgia: the disease of unexpressed emotions

hypertension, heart dysfunctions or nervous disorders of different types. Different conditions can help not only transform our physical health, but also facilitate healing on a deeper level. The secret lies in the discovery and understanding of messages containing physical disorders in order to know better and live better.

To understand this connection, we must first recognize that mind and body are one   ; Normally, we think of the body as a “container” that accompanies us, which we must take care of and which, if damaged, must be taken to the doctor for repair. “   Unfortunately, this vision is very limited. It denies the complexity of the energies that shape our whole being, energies that flow and communicate with each other. (…) There is no separation between what happens in the mind (thoughts and feelings) and what happens in the body   . ”

One thing to note about fibromyalgia, because their symptoms are misunderstood, those who suffer from this condition believe that others don’t believe them because the pain is not seen. Fibromyalgia is considered a controversial diagnosis and some authors argue that it should not be considered a disease, especially because of the absence of abnormalities in physical examination, in objective laboratory tests or in studies medical imaging confirming the diagnosis.

Officially, fibromyalgia is a poorly understood group of musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders, which are primarily characterized by extreme fatigue, persistent pain, stiffness of varying muscle intensity, tendons, and a wide range of other psychological symptoms , such as difficulty sleeping, morning stiffness, headaches. and problems with thinking and memory, sometimes called “mental deficiencies”, which often prevent people from routine functioning. It is a “non-contagious” disorder present in about 3-6% of young women, usually between the ages of 20 and 50.

Today we are going to share an interview with Mª Àngels Mestre, a woman who suffered from fibromyalgia and who, without an official response from her doctors, was able to leave her alone. Since then he has been writing about it and educating patients about this and other chronic illnesses. We hope this helps a lot.

1. What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is the disease of unexpressed emotions. It is the result of an internal conflict, we generated it. The most affected organ is the liver, repository of contained emotions according to traditional Chinese medicine. It regulates fascias, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint conduits, veins and arteries, as well as eyesight. This organ is also responsible for detoxifying all the toxins that make us sick, both externally and internally.

2. What are the most common symptoms?

Fibromyalgia presents with a wide range of symptoms, the main one being generalized musculoskeletal pain, accompanied by stiffness and fatigue, accompanied by decreased concentration and memory, insomnia, irritable bowel, irritable bladder, headaches, anxiety, restless leg syndrome and chest pain, strong and painful periods, decreased vision, cramps, etc.

3. What kind of people suffer from it?

To have health and harmony, we must align thought, feelings (emotions) and deeds (actions/words). In fibromyalgia, there is a mismanagement of thoughts and emotions, as their energy is not released in action or by word. Action is repressed and the energy of thought and emotion is blocked in the form of tension which manifests itself in pain and a wide variety of symptoms.

4. Why are there more cases in women than in men?

The woman is more emotional and more practical. His blocks are more emotional, while the man is more mental and theoretical. On the other hand, the factor that makes this disease possible is repression. There is no doubt that in our society, since childhood, women are more subject to repression than men.

5. Where does this disease come from?

Like all diseases, fibromyalgia is multifactorial, but its origins are in rigid cultural, family and social patterns that produce repression in childhood. The child copies these models to feel loved and becomes obedient and submissive without being, and begins to develop a false personality, deviating from its essence. The psycho-emotional defects that accompany the patient are: perfectionist pride in feeling valued by the environment and contained anger, an emotion which, if not released, is devastating to health.

6. Do you have any treatment or is it really a chronic condition?

Health can be restored if we have the will, we have the necessary information and we are willing to make changes from the whole human being. We need a great transformation in the way of thinking, feeling and acting, which generates a healthy, free and happy new person.

7. What is transcranial stimulation?

Transcranial stimulation is based on the production of an electrical current in areas of the brain. We know that electric current creates electromagnetic fields, so from my perspective, I don’t think fibromyalgia is the most appropriate. If we want to increase neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin, we have less invasive tools, such as food, the first drug. To increase the level of neurotransmitters, I recommend the use of legumes containing tryptophan to induce these neurotransmitters.

8. How can symptoms be improved?

To heal, the following changes are necessary: ​​the change of attitude leads us to no longer feel that the victims are responsible, let us stop being passive to be active, let us start managing the disease ourselves as protagonists through of empowerment.

Do not expect to be healed, some nonconformity and rebellion is necessary to make our own decisions and direct our lives. We also need a lifestyle change, to simplify it and leave the stress behind. Likewise, it is necessary to replace established patterns with our lived and understood experience, which will help us to say no without feeling guilty. It is fundamental the change of habits that harm us, especially that of food, to a diet that cleanses the liver of toxins, including drugs, which gives us energy, alkalinity, which stimulates the system immune and which is anti-inflammatory and immune. antioxidant.

9. Is it a modern type of disease?

Diseases are born due to the psycho-emotional defects of humanity, but they increase and are aggravated by lifestyle and poor diet. Currently, this disease has gained momentum due to the self-demand that women have imposed on themselves to reach all areas of modern life, such as work, family, home, social relationships, etc. All this, very often, without the possibility of directing your life.

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