
Lady Gaga Irritated by People who Don’t Believe Her Fibromyalgia is Real

After the confession of Lady Gaga about her fibromyalgia, she got pissed-off from the criticism of people.

Lady Gaga revealed that she is suffering from fibromyalgia disease. This disease can cause exhaustion, unbearable muscle pain, and memory and mood problems.

Gaga used to express people that her mental and physical condition was getting worse day by day. In fact, she expects people to understand her health. Lady Gaga wants others to show kindness and sympathy.

In her interview for a Vogue magazine, she said “I get so irritated with people who don’t believe fibromyalgia is real. For me, and I think for many others, it’s really a cyclone of anxiety, depression, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), trauma, and panic disorder – all of which sends the nervous system into overdrive, and then you have nerve pain as a result.”

Moreover, Lady Gaga said “People need to be more compassionate, chronic pain is no joke. And it’s every day waking up not knowing how you’re going to feel.

Chronic Pain is no Joke

In 2014, Lady Gaga shared her traumatic incident from which she had gone in her early teenage life. She was raped and this shocking incident had a very bad effect on her mind. As well as that, she suffered from PTSD due to that.

Gaga poured her heart out while giving this interview and revealed that sharing her feelings to the public helped her to heal.

While giving this interview, Gaga poured her heart out. She revealed that sharing her feelings to the public helped her to heal.

Furthermore, she told “No-one else knew, it was almost like I tried to erase it from my brain. And when it finally came out, it was like a big, ugly monster. And you have to face the monster to heal.”

Lady Gaga also expressed that “For me, with my mental health issues, half of the battle, in the beginning, was, I felt like I was lying to the world because I was feeling so much pain but nobody knew. So that’s why I came out and said that I have PTSD because I don’t want to hide – any more than I already have to.”

Above all, Lady Gaga gave details about the physical trauma she is still dealing:

“I feel stunned or stunted. You know that feeling when you’re on a roller coaster and you’re just about to go down the really steep slope? That fear and the drop in your stomach? My diaphragm seizes up. Then I have a hard time breathing, and my whole body goes into a spasm. And I begin to cry.


“That’s what it feels like for trauma victims every day, and it’s… miserable. I always say that trauma has a brain. And it works its way into everything that you do.”


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