
How To Make Lavender Lemonade To Help With Headaches And Anxiety

It’s no secret that our lives can be incredibly stressful. We’re constantly on the run at work, dealing with family issues, and trying to squeeze some personal time in. Did we even mention sleep?


So it should come as no surprise that anxiety and headaches can become a common occurrence, not to mention a terrible nuisance. Headaches and anxiety are by-products of living in a continually-stressed state. Indeed, we often feel we have 25 hours of things to do. However, we have only 24 hours to accomplish them.

Unfortunately, many of us turn to other, less-desirable methods of trudging through the day. We’ll fuel ourselves with a cup of coffee, smoke another cigarette, or have another glass of wine. While these habits may provide a temporary emotional release, they’re not a healthy solution in the long term.

Lavender’s Science-Proven Connection to Better Sleep

A more sustainable, healthy solution becomes necessary to deal with the side effects of stress. Lavender oil is a potent essential oil known for its remarkable healing properties. In fact, it contains over 150 active compounds, making lavender oil an effective antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, and sedation agent.

A number of studies have reported that lavender essential oil may be beneficial in a variety of health conditions, including insomnia, alopecia (hair loss), anxiety, stress, and postoperative pain. Lavender is also being studied for antibacterial and antiviral properties. – University of Maryland Medical Center

In a study conducted at the University of Florida, researchers discovered that lavender oil was effective in reducing anxiety and lowering pulse rates. Surgery patients that underwent lavender-based aromatherapy reported a marked decrease in stress levels before their procedure. This study is a testament to the powerful sedative properties of lavender oil.

Further, lavender essential oil contains anti-depressive properties and promotes sound sleep. These are critical elements in lavender that can aid in keeping stress and its troublesome side effects at bay.

Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

Besides sleep, here are some other benefits of lavender essential oil, as discovered in clinical studies:

    • Lavender aromatherapy increased pain tolerance in children and adults.
    • Alleviation of depressed mood and anxiety in female patients undergoing dialysis treatment.
    • Patients’ test results showed decreased anxiety and increased alertness levels after olfactory administration of lavender oil.

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